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Skiing near Como Lake
Skiing near Como Lake
Como lake is famous primarily as a summer tourist attraction perfect for visiting villas, swimming, or doing water sports. But do you know that just ...
Dec 16, 2022 , 0
Four days hiking
Four days hiking
Four days hiking experience from Tartano to Piani di Bobbio! Read about our personal experience to get inspiration for future trips. ...
Oct 14, 2021 , 0
Ferrate around Lecco
Ferrate around Lecco
Ferratas are climbing routes that employ steel cables, rungs, or ladders, fixed to the rock. We have prepared for you a map with ferratas both ...
Oct 09, 2021 , 0
Trekking: from Barzio to the Refuge Sora Casari in Piani di Bobbio
Trekking: from Barzio to the...
Trecking from Barzio to Piani di Bobbio, Pequeno path: panoramic but demanding. ...
Sep 19, 2021 , 0
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