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Trekking: from Barzio to the Refuge Sora Casari in Piani di Bobbio

Wonderful trekking for everybody (well trained) from Barzio to the Rifugio Sora Casari through the old cable car path. This path is more demanding in terms of energy and strength because it is steep and exposed to the sun. But the panoramas are beautiful, and you will see the historical Rifugio Pequeno, now closed. Ambro is waiting for you at the end of the path 😉

The starting point is in Barzio (behind the Cemetery)

[sgpx gpx=”/wp-content/uploads/gpx/pequeno.gpx”]

Starting point at 770m, arrival al 1650m

You can check the path directly in the reel we published on Instagram:

Since this path is pretty rocky and steep, we do not recommend it to go down. Instead, to return, you can follow a more easy, though longer path that arrives at the cable car station. It can be done even by jeep (buying special permission) or by a bycicle.

[sgpx gpx=”/wp-content/uploads/gpx/piani di Bobbio da Barzio.gpx”]

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