Check-in Moggio
Hi! If you are seeing this page, you have already booked our apartment in Moggio. Here you will find some information that might be useful for your arrival and stay.
How to reach the apartment
By car:
If you come from Milan, follow S36 road. When you reach Lecco (after a long tunnel), take the exit to Valsassina and follow the street. When you reach a huge roundabout in Ballabio continue towards Valsassina to the Colli di Balisio, where you will find a Brico Center (on the left). At this point at the roundabout you can decide to continue towards the valley and go up towards Barzio, or follow the road to the right that passes through Maggio and Cremeno. In both cases, you will arrive at the roundabout in Cremeno, from where you should follow indications to Moggio.
The house address is via ai Monti, 7. From via ai Monti, you can arrive directly at the gate of the condominium complex to unload the bags. You can park along the street.
By public transport
It is not very easy to move in Valsassina by public transport, however, it is possible. Moggio is connected to Lecco by bus n.D35. It goes every 30-60 min, but doesn’t go at night. From Lecco you can easily move by trains and boats. You can easily reach Lecco by train from Milan or Bergamo.
The nearest bus stop is at Piazza Pradello. It is in 5 minutes walk from the apartment.
There are websites and where you can check the exact schedule, but they are pretty hard to navigate. We would recommend using the Moovit app to control the schedule. You can buy tickets on board of some buses, or in tobacco shops (tabaccheria). On board the price is always higher. Always check the schedule in advance!
Check our post about the public transport in the area to know more!
How to recognize the house
The house is located at the end of via ai Monti. Here is how it looks:
Go to the door and call the MyAmazingTimes bell, so we go to meet you.
There is another entrance to the house near bar gelateria Combi, and there are also some free public parking places. But from there you will need to go up some stairs to reach the house.
Cable cars
From Moggio, you can take a cable car to Piani d’Artavaggio. It is just 800m from the apartment! The schedule changes depending on the season, so always check it, but usually, it is open from 8.30 to 17.00 with a lunch break. The cost is 8.50 euros in one direction and 14 euros in both directions. Discounts for kids. Piani d’Artavaggio are fantastic for walking and cycling in summer and for snow-shoeing and sledging in winter.
Just a few minutes drive there is the cable car of Piani di Bobbio. It is another large mountain area with the advantage of being a ski resort in winter! In winter season it is better to buy the cable car tickets and ski passes online in advance, because there can be huge lines in the morning. Also, there is a discount for those who buy ski passes 24h in advance. A bus connecting the villages to the ski lift is passing in Moggio. You can check the schedule by following this link. Note that it goes only on festive days and weekends!
Usually, we always aim to meet our guests personally. However, it is not always possible for various reasons. In case we cannot be there, we will leave you detailed instructions on how to reach the apartment.
In case of any problems, contact us directly on WhatsApp or by calling!
See you very soon,
Maria and Sergio