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Arrival and check-in. Lezzeno 

01/10/2023 by Sergio Perego

We prepared this web pagein order to help you in entering in the apartment with a self check-in.

First of all, to reach the location is better to click on the following google maps pointer

We learnt that  is not so obvious and we found people far from the apartment 🙂 If you feel lost… follow the link, or ask for the following pointers:

Santuario di Lezzeno:

Is 20 meters over our apartment

Borgo del Bellanasc:

is the village (now closed) 20 meters far from our apartment.

When you will be there, for sure the video will help you 🙂

Take the keys in the locker on the gate (code 1723), park the car in the ONLY spot dedicated to our apartment (entering immediately on the right, alone; you will see in the video a gray Jeep Compass). Please do not park in the external parking spots or in front of the gate. Are private area.

If you need any information, you can call

Sergio: +393407050017

Maria: +393465026497

Other important information:

– the swimming pool is open only during spring/summer. Now is closed 🙁

– you will have internet. The password in on the welcome document you will find on the door.

– garbage: please collect all the garbage in bags, dividing cartoon, plastic, glass, organic and general waste. Leave it in the apartment or terrace, we will collect it.

Enjoy your stay!!

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